Valhearst is the musical project of Pasca Rapha, since 1999.
From 2000 to 2006, she recorded a few keyboard songs on K7 and compiled it.
In 2007 she began to produce albums made by noises and voices.
Since 2010, her style evolved to new wave, electronic lo-fi music and ambient.
She is mainly influenced by The Cure, Björk, Kate Bush, Cocteau Twins, Cocorosie, Siouxsie.
This eighteenth album by Valhearst is a collection of songs mainly in french, with only keyboard, without drums. Its common thread is to sing real lyrics, while many songs by Valhearst were created in gibberish. Questions about love, life, celibacy, are asked again on this new album. Personal life and intimacy are once again highlighted. Larger themes are also addressed.